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Clovis Online School

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Independent Learning

A woman sits on a yellow couch, working on a laptop.



At Clovis Online School, the term “Independent Learner” is not meant to imply the student is alone and without resources. Clovis Online School works with every student to make sure they are supported during their time in our program. At Clovis Online School, we provide students the tools to learn independently so they can pursue their dreams.


Clovis Online has had students who have traveled the world for athletics, trained across the country to be a professional ballerina, rode the rodeo circuit, and raced cars all across the United States. Clovis Online School was able to give all of these students the freedom to be independent learners while they pursued activities beyond the traditional school setting.  


While students may be independently learning, they are always fully supported by their teachers here at Clovis Online. Our on site, full-time team of dedicated staff and teachers works to ensure that all student's academic needs are being met. Teachers make regular contact with all students (and parents) to provide support and encouragement, and to help monitor student growth and achievement.