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Clovis Online School

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Academic Counseling

Academic Counseling banner with QR codes listed.

Counseling Staff
Dianne Kapigian (Head Counselor)
Se'lyna Copeland

Melissa Rodrigues

Cindy Wulf

Work Permit Policy
Any student who is under 18-years of age and who obtains a job while enrolled at Clovis Online School must have a work permit. The qualifications for obtaining and keeping a work permit are:

  • COS student must be between the ages of 14 and 17
  • COS student must be in the grade 9 or above
  • COS student requesting a work permit must be in good academic standing as determined by counselor or administration.
  • COS student requesting a work permit must not be on academic probation/tier 3 of re-engagement.
  • A student’s work permit will be revoked, or hours allowed will be reduced when a student has poor attendance or is not doing satisfactory work or progress in ANY of their courses.

Work permit applications can be requested by counselor appointment. You may make an appointment with your assigned counselor by clicking on the links below:

Dance Pass Policy
Clovis Online School students may wish to attend another school's event. If the other school permits this, they often request an event guest pass to be completed by the guest's school. Guest passes will be issued for school activities under the following conditions:

  • COS student requesting guest pass must be in at least 9th grade at time of event.
  • COS student requesting pass must be in good academic standing as determined by counselor or administration.
  • COS student requesting guest pass must not be on academic probation/tier 3 of re-engagement.
  • COS student requesting guest pass must not be on a stipulated suspension or expulsion order, or undergoing disciplinary proceedings from ANY other school or district.
  • COS student requesting guest pass must have their current school ID card.

Any COS student requesting a guest pass must request their counselor's approval a minimum of 1 business day prior to needing the pass returned to them by appointment. You may make an appointment with your assigned counselor by clicking on the links below:

Class of 2024 Graduation Information
Mandatory Graduation Meetings
Seniors are only required to attend 1 of the four meetings. Meetings are held at: Clovis Online School Conference Room.
Sign Ups will be posted in 2025. Only the Senior is allowed to come to meeting. 

  1. March 11,  2025 @ 9:00am
  2. March  11, 2025 @ 1:00 pm
  3. March 13, 2025 @ 9:00 am
  4. March 13, 2025 @ 1:00 pm


CSF Membership
Attention, attention:  All Clovis Online School scholars…grades 9, 10, 11, and 12.

The California Scholarship Federation (CSF) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to recognize and encourage academic achievement and community service among middle school and high school students in California.  Clovis Online School is a Chapter member of CSF.  Each chapter is comprised of student members who meet eligibility requirements.  

For more information or questions please email: Dianne Kapigian

Transcript Request
For transcripts please email, please allow 24-48 hours for processing. You may pick them up in the counseling office at Clovis Online School.

Official Transcript
Need your official transcript sent to a college?  The links below are a fast and easy way for Clovis Online School and Enterprise students to have transcripts sent to the college(s) that you are applying for in the fall:


Online Transcript Help with PARCHMENT

  1. Click on "Create account"
  2. Enter student information (name, DOB, education, email, password)
  3. Click "Sign Up"
  4. You will be sent a confirmation code to the email you provided
  5. Enter that code & begin answering questions to complete the student profile
  6. Once your profile is complete you can request an official or unofficial transcript to be mailed to a college or for yourself.
  7. Our registrar's office will be sent an email notification that a request is pending. The transcript will be uploaded to Parchment and they will send it to the school of your choice as requested.


College Workshops and Programs
The Leon S. Peters Honors program helps Fresno City College students take a challenging curriculum that helps them fulfill the requirements to transfer to the UC or CSU system upon program completion.  Learn more about this great opportunity here

Community College  - go to the State Center website to register and create an online account.  See your counselor for more information.

Check Edgenuity Announcements for most current College Workshop and Application information 

CAE Career Technical Education Certificate Programs


Local College and University Admissions